Sunday, February 16, 2014

Days 16 & 17- Passion Conference

Passion Conference 2014 in Houston, Texas:

Put yourself in this place with me.
It is quiet.
You are small relative to your location.
Thousands surround you, and all that is audible is a dull humming of indiscernible conversations.
The lights go out completely and you see nothing.
Then, everything around you erupts with light and sound at once, and the Lord’s name penetrates the atmosphere and your body.
THOUSANDS proclaiming their love for ONE at one moment in time.
Bright faces shine wherever the light catches the perceivable.
You are consumed in the middle of a stadium transformed for His glory.
Thousands of students in our generation are losing themselves in the name of the Lord.
There is no other like this.
You feel the beat of the music in your soul.
You feel Christ flowing in and out of every heart in this vast place.
You couldn’t escape Him if you tried.
There is no place to hide.
There is nowhere to go but to Him.
He is omnipresent, and this feeling doesn’t cease when the music stops.
He flows through you like your heart beats and like your lungs breathe.
It’s second nature at this point.
It never ends.
It never stops.
I don’t want this feeling to ever stop.
I can be so overwhelmingly joyful that it won’t ever stop for me because I get to spend eternity with the Greatest to have ever walked this earth.
THAT is something to rejoice in.
THAT is something to glorify.
THAT is something we should never take for granted.
Everything tangible on this earth is fleeting.
The Lord’s name can reach further than the tangible.
His name pulses through my veins.
His grace penetrates into my soul.
He is in me and I am in Him.
He is the safest place to be.
No other compares.

In the Instagram caption words of a friend, “Experienced a tiny tiny Glimpse of what heaven will be like one day. All of God’s people, unified in one, singing Holy, Holy, Holy."

“My heart is yours
My heart is yours
Take it all
Take it all
My life in Your hands”

I noticed something else.
Looking into the vast darkness of this arena, I saw a light. One simple light- shining on a phone all the way across the place. I thought to myself, how beautiful and amazing it is that I can see that light even though it is so minute and so far away. I was able to see that light because it was surrounded by darkness. This world is complete darkness, y’all, so if just one person is on fire for the Lord, you can tell from a mile away. We stand out that much. It is our job to be that light and show people around us how different we are from society and how much brighter we shine than the rest of the world. Don’t hide it. Proclaim your love and burn with passion so that everyone can revel in His glory through you. When the whole stadium lit up with the lights on everyone’s phones, it was truly a spectacle to take in. Something as simple as light. And when you hold up your own light, it’s okay if you aren’t able to see it. When you hold up a light in a dark crowd, it’s not for your own benefit, it’s for others to see and appreciate. When they see your light and when they are affected by it, then they may choose to shine theirs, and that is when you get to see the light you spread to the world. When the people around you are lit up for Christ, as you are, that is something to be proud of.

When it was time for people to stand in declaration of their newly found faith in Jesus Christ, in front of thousands, my eyes were struck in awe. I witnessed thousands of hands lifted up to You, Lord. As the speaker was speaking and declaring Your name, we were lifting all the glory up to You. I saw a girl walk 8 rows in front of her, to place both of her hands on the back of a stranger who had stood up from her seat announcing her acceptance of Jesus Christ as her savior. I saw chains of hands linked on multiple backs along multiple rows around me of people praying over the new believers. Sending our prayers to You, Lord. We were rejoicing because we witnessed the inception of eternal life for those who asked for it. They get to join us into forever. Tears couldn’t help but trickle down my cheeks. I was taken back to the feelings I felt when I accepted You into my heart many years ago, those feelings I will never forget, and back just two weeks ago when I felt Your presence over me again. It is indescribable. And my heart leaps for joy at the thought that someone else was able to catch a glimpse of You tonight. Just a glimpse. That’s all it takes. And after that, we don’t want anything of this world anymore because it doesn’t even compare.

The Lord affects and impacts people in so many different ways.
There simply are no words that can reflect the magnitude of what I experienced.
But this was my attempt.
And this was just my point of view.

God is good, y’all.

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