Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Day 5- He Defines the Word 'Beauty'

My reflection haunted me this morning like it haunted me the first day. My acne seems like it’s getting worse. I envy the girls with perfect skin. This cold weather is making my skin dry and red. I hated brushing my teeth and washing my face this morning because I was forced to look at my face in the mirror, and my thoughts went back to reaching for my cover up under the counter. The temptation wasn’t strong enough for me to actually act on it, but the fact that the thought was in my head kind of disappointed me. Why is something as small as a bottle of cover up so significant in my life right now? I am turning to it to relieve my insecurities, when I should be turning to God for that comfort. Each day is a new day and with each day comes the same struggles and thoughts that permeate through my mind. Each day I need to remember to turn to the Lord to ease my thoughts.

Walking through campus today I passed a girl whom I did not know. We made eye contact and she smiled at me. Y’all- do not underestimate the power of a smile. She does not know me. She does not know how self-conscious I am. She does not know my struggles. Yet, in that moment we shared I felt good about myself. For that split second I forgot about my worries and I was focused on thinking what a joy it was to receive a smile from a stranger. What a JOY I felt.  When was the last time a stranger smiled at you? Or you at a stranger? If you have the opportunity to, smile at someone. It’s not weird. It is something that is so missing from this world. Genuine kindness is not something to be taken for granted.

At soccer practice today I studied each and every one of my teammates’ faces. Half of them did not have makeup on. All of them looked beautiful to me. It makes me jealous and angry sometimes when I see girls with perfect skin. Why don’t they have to try to be pretty? Why do I have to try so hard? I used to not have to try that hard, in high school my skin wasn’t perfect but it wasn’t bad either. I had normal skin, and the most you could get me to do was put on some blush maybe and some eyeliner or mascara- all three if I was feeling extra special. Oh, how I long for that again. Within this past year my skin has broken out and I hate it so much. I am embarrassed to go out in public because of the way I feel people will perceive me. In high school if I caught someone staring at me I was flattered. Now when I catch someone staring at me I feel embarrassed. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, yet outside opinions dictate how I feel about myself.


Wait a second, as I typed (and said to myself….yes I did repeat that to myself) that last sentence, I stopped. We are beautiful to the person who CREATED the word beauty. He is the One who produced everything in this world we deem ‘beautiful’. Is His opinion not the only one that honestly really should matter to us? After all He’s the one who defines it!!! I just had an epiphany and you all just witnessed it. WE ARE BEAUTIFUL TO THE PERSON WHO DEFINES THE WORD BEAUTY. How great of a notion is that?? I just smiled to myself and I am not ashamed to tell you that. I now have this urge to shout out to everyone I see that they are considered beautiful to the One who created the concept of beauty AND who created them! Are we not all God’s works of art? Are we not all His grand masterpieces? How many artists do you know create something that they think is ugly or unworthy? How many artists do you know are not proud of their works? Artists create things from their own hands because they want to show the world how beautiful they are. They want to show others how proud they are of what they created. Is the Lord not the ultimate artist? He does not create things He is not proud of. He created us in His own image because we are all beautiful and worthy and something to be shown off. I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling pretty good about myself right now.

I started off today not really excited anymore about this challenge. Let me rephrase, I wasn’t excited about the fact that I had to go out in public, yet again, knowing I didn’t look or feel my best. Throughout this day though, I have felt the Lord manifest himself in the strangest places and really show me that true beauty does NOT in fact come from other people’s opinions. True beauty comes from Him and Him alone.

I would also like to share something else with you all. I have received so many wonderful messages from my readers, but one I read today really touched me in a way that I don’t think I can describe. Everyone longs to find his or her purpose in life. Some never find it and some don’t pay attention to it. I wrote down on my bucket list over 4 years ago ‘#48- Touch someone’s life in a remarkable way’. I’ve been curious/excited to see what event in my life would allow me to cross this one off since the day I wrote it. I received a beautiful message today from a really sweet girl, and at the end of it she wrote, “…but I just wanted you to know that you can definitely cross off #48 on your bucket list. You’ve really made a difference.” I read this and started crying. The only reason I can cross this one off is because of JESUS CHRIST. Never would I have the power to affect someone else’s life on my own accord. All the glory goes to Him who heals the broken. He is healing me right now and I know He is healing some of you. I am blessed to be able to have this kind of impact on some of you and pray that each post I write will continue to please the Lord.

Pray for me tonight. I’ll be praying for each of you.

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