Thursday, February 27, 2014

Day 28- The Real Foundation

Today was such a good day. I woke up in a good mood (probably because I fell asleep in a really good mood), and I took on the rest of the day with positive eyes. It’s amazing what perspective can do for one’s attitude and mindset!

I struggled last night, but turned to the Lord, received prayers, and ultimately felt at peace by the time I closed my eyes. That peace carried over into today. I swear I had a smile plastered on my face the entire day! After class in the morning and after lunch, I met with my mentor to talk about my journey and where I am in my life right now. What a different position I am in now than I was 28 days ago! A lot can change in four weeks! And all the credit goes to my Lord. He has radically changed my heart, my mind, and my perspective on how to approach life. What a blessing this challenge has been.

A few people have asked me what I thought about Friday being the last day of this challenge. I hadn’t thought about it until recently, but when I did think about it this was my response:

I’m excited, but I’m kind of scared. I’m scared to now have that crutch of makeup I can turn to if I’m feeling insecure, instead of turning to the Lord. I know that just because it will be available to me, doesn’t mean I have to turn to it. But the temptation will always be there. I’ve grown to love myself so much without makeup I don’t want to jeopardize that by wearing it again. I’m scared to fall back into that same mentality I had when I started this. 

My favorite response was, “No amount of makeup will change how beautiful you are in the eyes of those that have been given the opportunity to get to know you.”

The only opinions that matter are from those who know my heart. I said that in an earlier post, and I need to continually reiterate that to myself. No other opinions matter. I know myself. I know my heart. I am so beautiful because the Lord is shining through me that nothing can mask that. I should not be afraid, because I have Jesus in me.

“For the Lord has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7

The foundation we turn to to cover up our blemishes should not be found in a bottle, the foundation that has already covered all of our blemishes was found on the cross. Crucified. Laying all of our sins down so that we could live in eternity. We don’t have to worry. Jesus laid His OWN PERFECT life down for each of us so that when God looks down on us all He sees is white. No blemishes. He sees the Holy Spirit in us, and we are given the opportunity to live for Him and honor Him because He has already done so much for us.

It seems so silly to me now that I placed so much of my value in the opinions of others. Good opinions or bad opinions, both will mean nothing when the time comes for us to meet our Lord. Everything on this earth is fleeting. The only thing that will matter in the end is everything we did in our lives to honor and glorify our God. I hope He is smiling down at me, because I am smiling up at Him right now. He has done so much for me, someone so unworthy, who am I to not do everything I can to give back to Him? I owe my life to Him. He saved me, and continues to save me every day. The least I can do is proclaim His holy name to those around me and try to glorify Him in all aspects of my life.

Wearing makeup is not a bad thing. It only became bad when I used it as an idol, to manipulate others’ opinions about me in my favor. I will not swear off makeup for the rest of my life, but when I do wear it, it will be to enhance the beauty I already have, not to try to ‘cover up’ my insecurities. I will try each and every day to wake up and ask God to help me live each day for Him. Because when He is the center of my life, who needs makeup anyway?   

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