Friday, March 28, 2014

After The Blog

Many of you might be wondering what I have been up to these past couple of weeks ‘post blog’. Well, here’s my update- I’m still as busy as I can be, loving my sorority, loving the game of soccer, LOVING MY LORD, and enjoying every little thing I can squeeze out of this life that I live. Oh, and *whispers* sometimes I don’t wear makeup!

This blog has been nothing but a blessing in my life. In my twenty years I have found that the most difficult things are usually the most rewarding. I seek difficult things… because I like rewards!! My mentality has shifted, not drastically, but just enough to make a huge impact on my life. In my twenty years I have also found that even the smallest changes can make the biggest differences- it’s how you use them.

I no longer seek self-indulgent attention, rather the attention that indulges others, specifically God. And that is something I have to wake up every morning and make a priority of mine. That small shift in my mentality from “ME” to “GOD” is crucial. I am not living my life for me; I am living my life for Him, and in turn I have grown more in this short time than I have in the past twenty years combined. HOW AMAZING IS THAT?? It is HE who defines beauty. It is HE who defines strength. It is HE who defines all things worthy. And it is HE who defines me. Amazing. Absolutely amazing. And I am still in awe of Him daily.

If you haven’t had the chance to read my blog in it’s entirety, I encourage you to do so when you have a free moment. If you have fleeting free moments, I encourage you to read some of my posts on their own. To get the full effect of my challenge it is beneficial to read my blog from start to finish, but each post can stand alone as encouragement in your faith and in mine. As I have grown in my life and in my faith, through my writing you have gotten to hear first hand the shift in my demeanor. I have gone back and re-read my blog from the first post to the last, and was amazed at how different I sounded in the latter half of the month compared to the prior half. How radical a change the Lord has made in my life. And it’s never ending- He hasn’t stopped changing my life for the better just because my challenge is over, and He won’t ever stop as long as I am diligently seeking Him.

The premise of this challenge was to “find true beauty in the eyes of the Lord.” I have found that and so much more. I know that for some of you who followed my journey have found that, and so much more as well, in your own lives. I have said from the beginning- if I could impact just one person through my blogging then I will be overjoyed. From your responses I know whom I have impacted and I am beyond thrilled for the position the Lord has gifted me at this time in my life. I’m so glad y’all could experience this with me!

It’s been almost a month since my ‘challenge’ and blog ended, and I have been finding that I am missing it. One of my best friends in my sorority followed me from the beginning of this journey, and I am so thankful that I managed to inspire her along the way. One day we were sitting in her room, bouncing ideas off of each other, and came up with something special- A campaign that encourages other girls to take off all of their makeup and say what beauty means to them;

“Beauty is…” was born.

Both Carley and I have been working carefully on this project for the past month. We made a website (well, honestly Carley made the website, and did such a good job!!!), made a Twitter handle and an Instagram account (@beautyistweets & @beautyisphotos - follow us!), and since Carley is a wonderful photographer, she has shot a few makeup-less photoshoots of girls (including me). WE ARE SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS CAMPAIGN. And we want you to be excited too!!

On our website,
we have our story, the pictures from the photoshoots, and a place for Y’ALL, YES Y’ALL! We want each one of you to send in a picture/selfie of yourself without makeup on, accompanied with a quote from you finishing this sentence, “Beauty is…” I have told y’all what beauty means to me through my blog, and now it’s your turn to tell us WHAT BEAUTY MEANS TO YOU.

If you would like to participate, email us at ! And you can make it onto our website! This campaign is to empower young women, like Carley and I, to be comfortable in their own skin and to see the true meaning of beauty, behind all the cosmetics. So like/share/participate in this campaign, and in doing so we believe we can make an impact on our generation! Thanks y'all!

xoxo, Rach

"Beauty to me is standing confidently in front of thousands, with a bare face, and being able to say that you are beautiful because the One who defines the word 'beauty' created you in His own perfect image and deems you as such. And then believing and sharing with others. Beauty to me is something to be shared, not something to hide."